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My sugar/cookie- free week!

Hi guys!

Another talkative-blog today. It's been a while but I've been working and traveling lately. Last week I was in Les 2 Alpes for summerskiing. The week before I was working. During summers, I always do the same job, I teach toddlers to dance at a sportscamp.

That exact week, I decided to do a sugar free week. Keep on reading to know how my week went!

On day 1 I wanted to kill myself after breakfast. My breakfast is usually around 9a.m. and then I'd like to have something sugary like a cookie. Okay, not an option... So that week I made myself some cinnamon apples in the oven for breakfast. My actual breakfast is usually around 10a.m. and then I eat something hot, for my belly (no further explanation needed ?). Around 10, I already needed sugar SO bad. I was thinking about cookies and desserts non stop!

This was actually how my entire first day went... And the second...and the rest of the week!

The first night of my diet, I couldn't even sleep. I was thinking about yummie desserts non stop. So I basically couldn't sleep because of my need of sugar. This made me realise that I had a real problem

I did this diet, because I wanted to stop my addiction from sugar and all things super sweet... So I told myself also not to eat sugarfree cookies, because they're still cookies and I'm obsessed haha!

The third, fourth and fifth day were pretty much the same. It was super hard for me not to eat sugar, because it's in everything I eat or drink but whatever.. I resisted. Also an important sidenote: during the camp, the kids got from our camp cookies and drinks... And I had to give it to them without even tasting. Made it even harder for my alter ego to not steal some cookies while no one was watching!

The 6th and 7th day were fine. I was still thinking non stop about all things sugary, but it was less hard for me to actually resist. And at the end of day 7, I ate a massive icecream! Just to give myself some credits for my hard work.

What did I learn? Every single thing that's yummie contains sugar... And it's super hard to resist the sugar. But it made me realise that sugar is really addictive and bad for you. When I drink tea now, I don't even need my Stevia anymore. Yay for me.

But to be honest, I'll probably will need to do this diet a couple times a year, to stop my addiction again! 

Also: I tried to eat super vegan then and all things only natural.. But: even though fruits etcetera are still yummie to me, I think that all the cookies taste WAY better 😊.

Plus, I thought/hoped to loose a bit of weight also, for the simple reason that sugar makes you fat. But I did not. So yeah, it was all only about the thinking about sugar I guess?

Thank you so much for reading this post, greetings from Saas Fee (travel posts coming later)

X Steph 

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